Call us at
(800) 419-4923
Aaron & Wright Technical Services, Inc. provided various environmental and engineering assessments, such as Phase I Environmental Services and Property Condition Reports (PCRs) nationally until 2004. Aaron and Wright Technical Services was sold to LandAmerica Assessment Corporation (LAC) August 2004. Subsequently, all of the assets of the former Aaron & Wright Technical Services were purchased out of bankruptcy on March 27, 2009 by Partner Engineering and Science, Inc. a national due diligence company.
Partner regularly updates old Aaron and Wright Technical Services Reports for clients. If you are in need of an update call 800-419-4923 or email aaronwright@partneresi.com.
Please continue the relationship! Partner Engineering and Science's professional staff is qualified and experienced and are able to perform a vast array of environmental and engineering services, ranging from Phase I ESAs to Property Condition Assessments to Subsurface Testing to Litigation Support.